On this website you find links that lead to audio/video files. These files are stored in Youtube and are NOT a part of this website. This website does NOT carry ANY responsibility for them.
1. This website ONLY COLLECTS the links, and posted here for my personal view.
2. This website DOES NOT store or make available for download ANY audio and/or video files on IT systems here. When accessing audio/video files on the Internet, you are accessing content over which this website has NO control of it.
03. The content in those files is determined entirely by Youtube who make those files available on the Internet and those other parties are solely responsible for such content.
04. This website doesn't have control over that content and has NO responsibility for such content. Should anybody DROP BY HERE, this website believe and expects that all of you who came here using the Internet, to abide and obey by all laws, including all COPYRIGHT and other intellectual property laws.
05. This website believes that persons who make these audio/video information available on the World Wide Web do so with the expectation that such information will be publicly and widely available.
06. This website further believes that by putting those links here to accessible audio/video files available at Youtube is legally permissible and consistent with the common, customary expectations of those who make use of the Internet media.